
Online Ordering.
Orders have never been easier with our simple on-demand delivery system that can be accessed anytime, anywhere, online.
- Customized address books are provided for your convenience.
- Confirmation emails are sent when order is received, picked up and delivered, so you’re in the know throughout the entire delivery process.

Barcode Scanning.
Track your courier and your specimen location in real-time with our unique barcode scanning solution.
- Find out exactly when your courier driver arrived at your client’s location.
- Verify each pickup and each bag with a unique barcode.

GPS Technology.
Our advanced GPS technology enables real-time route tracking and full visibility.
- Track inbound route and specimen shipments.
- Verify medical courier route history.
- Optimize routing and stop sequence.

Get customized reports for continual system assessment and optimization.
- On-demand and STAT utilization reports.
- Visual dashboard for monitoring route transit volumes.
01Online Ordering
02Barcode Scanning
03GPS Technology
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Online Ordering.
Orders have never been easier with our simple on-demand delivery system that can be accessed anytime, anywhere, online.
- Customized address books are provided for your convenience.
- Confirmation emails are sent when order is received, picked up and delivered, so you’re in the know throughout the entire delivery process.
Barcode Scanning.
Track your courier and your specimen location in real-time with our unique barcode scanning solution.
- Find out exactly when your courier driver arrived at your client’s location.
- Verify each pickup and each bag with a unique barcode.
GPS Technology.
Our advanced GPS technology enables real-time route tracking and full visibility.
- Track inbound route and specimen shipments.
- Verify medical courier route history.
- Optimize routing and stop sequence.
Get customized reports for continual system assessment and optimization.
- On-demand and STAT utilization reports.
- Visual dashboard for monitoring route transit volumes.